Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Am My Hair

I am not happy with my hair. When I was a young pup (way back in 2000) I had beautiful, long hair that was great to work with it. I always got compliments on it, and very often was asked if it was even real. My senior year of high school, I decided that I wanted to cut my hair because it wasn't healthy and was becoming difficult to take care of. About a year ago, I began to regret that decision and my decisions thus far with not having taken as good of care of it as I should have up until this point.  It only took me five years to grow long hair when I was younger, and I know that the case could be the same now if only I could really get into taking care of it the way that I should. My physical appearance (while not unsatisfactory to others in any way) has now become the focus of my disgruntled state. On top of having short hair that I'm still not used to, I have tons of scars that I can't seem to stop picking at resulting in gross marks being left all over my body for people to find. If only I could attack my physical appearance the same way that I attack school, then I would be satisfied in that area.
Essentially, after doing some research I have found that black hair care is a science. It's going to be an intense process to make it better than what it currently is, but I know that if I can stick to it I'll be happier. Patience is a virtue. God is testing my patience so much with waiting for that all around happiness with myself that I have been seeking. I know it will come, it's just super hard to wait on.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Insomnia Is My Best Friend

So I find that in the wee hours of the morning/night I tend to start thinking a lot about my life and all the things that have happened and that I want to happen. My mom constantly tells me that by putting out things into the environment that you are in, you are sure to reap those vibes. So I have decided to take her up on this idea and post a few dreams of mine that I want 2012 to bring me (and preferably before Dec.22 since we are all supposed to die),

1) I want to be HAPPY with my internship with the Honors College.
There have been so many twists and turns on my path to now since I decided to forgo pursuing a psychology degree post-undergrad and change my focus to Student Affairs. I originally wanted to spend this next year of my life traveling the country helping different Alpha Gam chapters as a Leadership Consultant. However, that dream was crushed when they told me I appeared to be an overprepared robot who seemed unpersonable and unrelatable. Then I thought that I would apply to graduate school at WKU, Memphis, and FIU with a graduate assistant position in the Student Activities Office. Sadly, this was not the path I was supposed to take either because I didn't have enough experience as an undergrad to qualify me over another for the position (let's just say he had to be pretty amazing if that's the real reason). Now, after some confusion with the GA position I have now, I think that ultimately this worked out the best for me. Not only will I be working in a department that functions much better than our Student Activities Office, but I'll be working with new people.  I just hope that I love the work that I end up doing and the people that I will be working with.  I really just want to feel included and at home there.

2) I want to be HAPPY with my love life.
I know that this is the part of my life where I'm the most impatient because I want it the most. I want to just have the comfort of being with someone who will be in a relationship with me in order to better himself and me simultaneously. In constantly analyzing my failed attempts at relationships I realize that I have always gone after or been approached by the wrong types of guys (those who are not ready to settle down). The smooth talkers, the nice dressers, the guys who you would love to bring home to your parents because they have impressive resumes. However, Carrie Bradshaw put it best when she said a "good on paper guy" does not translate to good in real life. I wish that I could convince myself to either just have fun being single or to like one of the guys that I know like me because I know that they would treat me well. This is quite possibly the area of my life that I feel needs the most work. In a perfect world, I would end up with someone who just wants what's best for and wants to be a part of that. I would be able to give so much in a relationship and there are seldom times when I find those willing to do the same for me (especially males). I have instances of such with some people, but I don't want to settle for instances. I want that feeling of ease and contentment ALL the time.

3) I want to be financially stable.
This is the area of my life that is the most in my control. I could have achieved this had I been smart and listened to my mom when she told me to start saving a portion of my paychecks each week. It has never really affected me until my recent foray into the world of adulthood, involving the paying of multiple bills each month. I know that my time to reach stability is coming, but again my impatience is getting the better of me. (mostly I want a new wardrobe because my current stuff is getting old :/)

4) I want to be able to have a nice routine to my life.
Not having a routine is killing me. I'm not used to it.  This summer more than others has definitely imprinted my adultness onto my brain and being and I'm feeling every bit of it all the time. I am feeling tired and stressed from being overworked, underpaid, exhausted, and frustrated. My body can't handle the way that I treat it ( I say this as I am typing other than sleeping). I want to be able to sleep fully through the night without alcohol and say that I got the rest I needed to be productive.

All in all I just want to feel better about my life in general while still being thankful for what I have and trying my best to make the most of it.

Insomnia is now losing...

Friday, July 20, 2012


So today I have discovered that I have a terrible addiction; to being overly critical of myself. I constantly find myself comparing the happenings in my life to what I see of the lives of others. I always feel the need to be more and do more than what I have done already. I feel like I need to become more worldly ( I have never been to a foreign country), I need to be more patient, I need to have a life outside school, I need to have a big girl job outside the realm of school, I need to be financially secure for more than a month at a time, I need to be able to support myself in a way that I am comfortable with, I need to better maintain my friendships;  in essence get my stuff together. However, as I was talking with my mom about all of this, I realized that all of this is in my head; NO ONE sees me the same way that I see myself. I know that it is important to want more for yourself and be able to plan how to achieve that level of satisfaction, but when does that turn into paranoia about not being good enough.

I think that a lot of my critical nature comes from being teased as a child. People always questioned why I was so openly intelligent, why I chose to do well in school, why I didn't wear ethnicity appropriate clothing or hang out with those of my own race as opposed to those of other races. I was basically belittled to a point that I felt like I had to prove something to all those people and to myself as well. I don't think that I ever really let any of that go, and so it still travels with me.

I do wonder why people choose to be my friend sometime, and what people see in me that makes them want to get to know me. I don't think that I am a bad friend, but I don't think that I am the best friend that I can be. I just wonder what makes people want to be around me constantly outside boredom or loneliness.  I also wonder why I choose to be alone much of the time. I don't feel that I am the type of person who thrives on being around people, so I just don't understand why that quality attracts people.  I think I can be really fun sometimes, but I can also be really mean and I think that some people just accept that in me (thankfully).

It is in the times that I have too much time to think that I begin to feel this insecure. I need to start keeping a mental note of times when I start to feel like this so that I can try to avoid those situations. I need to be happy with what I have as opposed to concerned with the lives of others. Even though I know this, I do it anyway. I'm ready to find myself and settle into a life that while still spontaneous has some routine to it. I like having the freedom to do as I please, but sometimes I just need something different.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ready for Change

I feel that my life is stagnant currently. This routine that I have developed is sickening, and I want to encourage change. I need to feng shui my life. The new apartment was a great beginning to that, and now I think that I just have to embrace the patience that will be required before serious change occurs in my life.

 In general I want to be happy, not all day everyday (but EVERY day). I know that much of that is based on my attitude and perceptions, but I just feel that a huge part of that will be enjoying the environments that I place myself in. 

In a perfect world I want to be able to maintain the sanctity of my home ( as corny as that sounds). When I was living the dorm life I pretty much had an open door policy; if I was there, then I didn't mind seeing people or hanging out. At the time, I liked to believe that just having random visitors was good for me because it would force me to be more spontaneous and would help to cheer my up on days when I was feeling less than great. That is not the case anymore.  Even though I did enjoy that at the time, there were plenty of times when I felt paranoid about the level of privacy that I was able to experience. Not to mention I continuously thought about all the time spent in that one when considering my failed relationship efforts.

Now I am of the mindset that I don't want people to be around me when I am home because I feel that I can relax here, which I did not always feel that I could do in the dorm.  I just want to make sure that I am able to keep that feeling more often than not. I don't want to just have random people over all the time because I like the feel of my apartment. Knowing that I can come home and just veg out is very very comforting, and I don't want to ruin my ability to experience calm here by playing host to a variety of people constantly.

I'm honestly more worried about how I'm going to feel after hosting my ex-flame here. Every fiber of my being is telling me that it will be a bad idea; nothing good can come of it. But a tiny part of me is thinking that hey, maybe it will work out and he will magically want a relationship (more than likely not, let's be serious). I don't understand how I can be sooooo ridiculously optimistic (borderline unrealistic) about my expectations for relationships, but approach every other part of my life with an overdose of healthy skepticism and pragmatism. He makes me just so darn happy, that I don't want to reject myself that feeling because who knows when the next time that I feel that way will be. Is it so wrong to want to just enjoy myself for one night:? No, but I need to maintain the mindset that I should have; mantra stating "no matter how good this may be, it's not real."

I think about him a lot, and I just feel like until I get this last meeting out of the way that there will be no closure. It's gonna be some time before I can forget about everything that happened. I wish sometimes that I could forget those parts of my life, just to be able to really enjoy myself for one day. I want someone that makes me forget about all of them.
Oh well, such is life.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Cautious Optimism

So, my life has been somewhat delayed. While most people foray into the world of apartment dwelling during their undergraduate experience, or even right after highschool, I am just now experiencing this event. Why I have ever glamorized this decision, I will never know.  Even though it is definitely enjoyable, there are times when I realize that while in age, this was an appropriate step for me, financially I was not ready. I feel like my roommates think that I'm a deadbeat because I have yet to really invest myself in purchasing items for the apt. It sucks because I really want to, but I just haven't been able to save. This all started out with the spring break trip that I shouldn't have taken; then I didn't work for the ENTIRE month of April; then I still had to pay for my entire life; then once I started working and making a bunch of money I still had to pay for my life; then I had to get my car fixed and paid for it to get towed; then I have to pay all these first month things while getting paid significantly less than my roommates.  Once such roommate that I am sharing a bathroom with decided to buy all this stuff from Target (not the cheapest place in the world) and now wants me to split the price of it with her. I don't understand why she just wouldn't just take it all when she moves out???? Thoughts? Also, if we are going to split hairs about who is paying for what then I maintain that we should keep all receipts for items that will be split among the three of us so that no one is cheated out of any finances. $35.00 may not seem like a lot to her, but to me, it's a lot right now.  I'll be so glad when I am able to afford my apartment without having to struggle at Panera. It's unreal to me that in a few short months all my financial woes will be solved by my new position at the Honors College and (sadly enough, but not for right now) my student loans. So until that beautiful time when my residual check decides to make its way to my bank, I will be destined to be the typical broke college student that for some reason I dreamed of being.

Also, not to mention that I don't really know one of my roommates that well.  Even though she seems really nice & clean, I just don't know her yet. I'm not exactly sure that I thought this whole living arrangement thing through. I feel like I could have been working all summer to save for a move that should be happening within the next two weeks instead of happening at the end of June. I could have been living with my lovable sister in a nice little two bedroom apartment somewhere happily enjoying life.

I think that this will definitely be a long year, but hopefully it won't be too difficult. I love this apartment, and the fees are definitely reasonable but I just wish that we had more space. The two of them have so much stuff that I can't really see the point in grocery shopping because there would be no space for all my stuff. I definitely only for see this living experience to last a year. But who knows, I say all this now and I may completely change my mind and love the situation. For now, I remain cautiously optimistic.