Monday, August 6, 2012


I'm currently finding blogging a release from the world. Even though I know that none of you may understand or care what I am talking about, I find a sense of relief in all of this. This is the second time I have blogged today, but I feel I should  do so when things are on my mind. I have some of the greatest friends on the face of this planet. They accept me, even with my harshness. They appreciate my realness. They LOVE me.

I'm happy being able to write all this down to someone who won't complain or be annoyed. I have a lot going on for me right now, and I'm fine with it.

I want to be more at home with my religious beliefs. I want to live a life that I can be proud of. I want to be really confident in what I believe of higher beings. I know that something exists in the cosmos; but what is it? Jesus has the upper hand in my life because that is what I have been raised to believe in. Is it so wrong to want to rectify the beliefs about all forms of higher being? Some days I find myself wanting to find the likenesses in all religions and live by those maxims. If it exists in multiple religions, then it has to be more right? RIGHT?

I think with all my free time and increased finances I will spend a day at Barnes and Noble picking out books to help me revise my thoughts and beliefs in the following categories:

1) Feng Shui
2) Religion
3) Relationships
4) Entertainment ( I need to finish my Agatha Christie series)

I'm really begin to look forward to getting to really find some elements outside school that I am interested in.
Having the time to really delve into all of this is going to allow me to become the funky and humble fashionista with a spunky personality to boot.

I'm kinda excited.

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