Wednesday, August 8, 2012

No More Panera

So today is pretty momentous for me; it is my second to last week working with Panera Bread Company. To date, I have worked there for 5 years, and 3 days short of four months. Needless to say I have spent a significant portion of my life there, and I have done a lot of growing there. Being that it has been my only paying job up until this point in time, I am kinda nervous to move past it. However, I'm more excited than anything because I truly feel ready to immerse myself in a more positive work environment that will enable me to gain training in a field that I want to spend the rest of my life working in.

I feel like graduate school is going to be my big transforming phase. Undergrad definitely set all of this in motion, but being able to see all the changes that I want to embrace come to fruition is very satisfying. I have successfully, moved into my own apartment, been able to pay all my bills on time, secured a new occupation, been admitted to graduate school, and successfully found some sense of peace in my life. Now I just have to make sure that everything stays this way or even gets better, and I will be more than satisfied with life.

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